Object criterion

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Optimize Object Position

Object Criterion:

We can define behaviours between copies and the original.

Given Orientation As Basic One

Minimize Size By X

Minimize Size By Y

Minimize Perimeter

Minimize Area

Perimeter For Pair Identical Of Rectangular Hull Search For Pair

Perimeter With Minimal Area Of Rectangular Hull Search For Pair

Perimeter Pair With Minimal Perimeter Of Rectangular Hull Search For Angle

Perimeter Pair With Minimal Area Of Rectangular Hull Search For Angle

Only Search For Angle For Lattice

Construct Lattice Placement

Perimeter For Pair Identical Of Rectangular Hull Construct Pair

Perimeter With Minimal Area Of Rectangular Hull Construct Pair

Perimeter Pair With Minimal Perimeter Of Rectangular Hull Construct Pair

Perimeter Pair With Minimal Area Of Rectangular Hull Construct Pair

Consider this example. We have defined a 90-degree freedom.

From left to right:

1 Given the initial orientation 2 minimize the size of X 3 minimize the size of X 4 Minimize Perimeter

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