Dynamic Profile

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Allows using our section library to move them, rotate them and change the size. Very helpful to create any type of complement in a matter of seconds. Profiles are editable by the user.

Jewellery > Dynamic Profile

Command: DynamicProfile

The concept of this command is that we have one or severals curves and we must place the sections to create our form.


  1. Select a curve to apply the profiles.
  2. Define the profile to apply.
  3. Define the profile measures.
  4. We have the option to add more profiles in any point of the curve under the (+) icon.
  5. We have the option to orient the profiles by surface or by any viewport.
  6. Define the Cap options (none, flat, rounded)
  7. Press the checkbox to add the changes to the document.

Interesting to mention the Thickness option, which one allows us to define the profile thickness.

Important Note:

Once the dynamic profile is created, it will be shown in the Browser. Remember that we can edit double clicking on the icon.

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