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This tool allows us to create our own parametric and editable Head.

Jewellery > Head

Command: HeadStudio


1. Select gems to use, clicking on Select. If there are gems selected will automatically be selected.

It will show a standard head. You can select similar stones or all the stones of the document using the gems icons. Similar means the same shape.

In the first tab, in Parameters, we define the prongs measures.

In the second tab we can define the rails.

2. Choose a profile, if we are in the prongs tab the profile is applied in the prongs, if we are in the rails tab the profile is applied to the rails. (we always need to select the profiles)

5. Choose the material.

6. In the prongs tab we can define all the parameters of the prongs, we also can use the gumballs directly in the model to define the prongs, in this case remember that pressing the Shift key the changes are applied to all the prongs.

7. In the Rails tab we can define all the parameters to create the rails, number, measures and orientation.

Important Note:

Once has been created, our head will be shown as icon at the Browser. Remember, you may edit double clicking on the icon.