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This tool allows creating our own parametric and editable cutters.

Jewellery > Cutter

Command: CutterStudio


1. Select gems to use, clicking on Select. If there are gems selected will automatically be selected.

Appears a standard cutter. To select similar stones or all the stones of the document, click on the gems icons. Similar stones means "the same shape".

In the first tab in Parameters, we define the general cutter dimensions. In this case we use percentages to allow working with multiple gems sizes.

In the second tab, we can define the inferior cutter part:

By default is in polar shape, but we can change it.

In the third tab, we can save our cutter templates to use them in the future. By default, after installing RhinoGold it will appear the empty list.

Once saved, it will appear the name on the list. To select it, simply click on the name.

Important Note:

Once the cutter is created, appears the icon on the Browser. Remember, we can edit it, just double clicking on the icon.
Another interesting thing is that the object remembers in which gem has been created. That means if we modify the gem, automatically it will adapt the new shape and dimension.