Boolean Dynamic

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Allows us to create Boolean operations of Union, Difference, Intersection and Split.

Modelling > Boolean Dynamic

Command: DynamicBoolean

There are 4 different boolean operations:

Boolean Union:

In this operation we only need to select a group of objects, because it will join all to objects to one.

Boolean Difference:

In this operation we only need to selct two groups, the first one are the objects to mantain, and the second one are the objects to use to subtrack.

Boolean Intersection:

In this operation we only need to select two groups, will look for the intersection between all the objects of the first and second group.

Boolean of Split:

In this operation we only need to select two groups, the first one are the objects to cut with the intersection of the second group.


1. Select the type of Boolean (Union, Difference or Intersection).

2. Select the objects. As you will see, in the Union operation only will appear the option to select a group.

However, the other operations allow us to select two groups:

In Parameters, we can Exchange the Selection, group 1 to group 2 and vice versa.

3. Click on the preview icon.

It will show the calculations in the process bar.

If some object provokes some problem, the next window will appear:

4. Click on the checkbox to add new object(s) to the document.

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