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RhinoEmboss is a software to create reliefs from curves, images, and geometry,  RhinoEmboss works with a list of operations which can be configured depending of our purposes.


RhinoEmboss > Emboss


RhinoEmboss > Emboss



Getting Started

1.- To start using RhinoEmboss first we'll need add an operation, so click over Add operation button:

To add a new operation, now your panel will have an operation like this one:

2.- Next we'll select a curve by clicking Curve button:

And selecting one or more curve from the document, once the curves are selected click enter and the button will looks like this one:

Note: If you add an operation with any curve(s) selected, them will be added automatically to this new operation).

3.- Click on compute button:

And the geometry will be calculated and shown:

Now you can start playing with Gumballs, Operation Types, Profiles, or any other parameter, once you have set the operation just click again over recompute button:

And it will be calculated again.

4.- Try to add more operation by clicking on the following icon:

And selecting an other curve:

5.- Now just click over  button to add current geometry to the document:

Project information is stored in this mesh, which means that any time you can modify this project or start a new one and save it into a new mesh inside the same document.

To load a project just open RhinoEmboss, and choose which project you want to load, next just work with this project

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